Sunday, November 11, 2007

crazy writing frenzy

This was a bad week for writing, by which I mean, I didn't do any. I was more than a day ahead on Monday, which turned out to be a crappy day, so I felt all right not getting any words in that day. Alas, then the week got crappier and I got sick, and before I knew it, it was Saturday afternoon and I only had 8500 something words.

As of now, Sunday evening, I have just a little over 22k.

My brain is so close to falling out.

I think this is how I have to do NaNo now. The first couple years it was a challenge enough to get through the month and get my word count. But I know I can do that now. I've done it five times before during November and once again last July. But without a challenge, I'm super unmotivated to finish. But writing a ton of words in one (or two) days? Still a challenge. Still exciting.

Anyway, I should get to the halfway point tomorrow with no problem. I'm more excited to get to 35k though. That always feels so very close to the finish line.

And I really want to be at the finish line really early this year.

My novel continues to get dumber and dumber. I've always gone on in previous years about how the novel o' the year is terrible and no one ever needs to see it, but there are always at least a couple people who end up reading parts (or all) of it. This year's? Seriously never going to be shown to anyone. I haven't even managed to write anything apart from the first three paragraphs of the first chapter that I'm willing to put up as an excerpt on my profile. Last year I was throwing whole chapters up there. This year it's all just too truly terrible. At least I'm having fun with it though. The first week was really hard, what with the starting over and all, and the second week obviously got off to a bad start. But things are looking up.

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